
Make the most of the UCAT Practice Test

A key to success in the UCAT test is the ability to answer questions with both speed and accuracy.

The test runs for two hours, during which time you are required to answer over 200 computer-based multiple choice questions, and the demanding nature of this task is why sitting a UCAT practise test regularly should be an essential part of your preparation.

Given the challenges involved, this is also why it makes sense when sitting practise UCAT tests that they reproduce the actual exam conditions as closely as possible.

Why you should sit the UCAT practice test

Medicine, dentistry and clinical sciences are highly competitive fields, and so if you are considering going down this path you need to be as thoroughly prepared as possible.

However, going through endless UCAT practise without advice or guidance can be daunting and unproductive; instead, It is more beneficial for potential candidates not only to do as many UCAT practise questions as possible, but also to get advice and support from people who have extensive expertise in the different areas covered in the UCAT test.

UCAT practise tests are important because they enable you to become familiar with the five different sub-test areas — Verbal Reasoning, Decision Making, Quantitative Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning and Situational Judgement — each of which has its own specific timings and requirements.

Sitting a practise UCAT test will also mean that you are familiar with the general nature of the questions in each section and don’t have to waste valuable time orienting yourself to the specific needs of each sub-test category.

Undertaking a UCAT practise test will also enable you to become familiar with the timings of each section — crucial to overall success in the test — so you have a better understanding of how much time you should be devoting to each question.

UCAT ANZ practise tests are also designed to be viewed on a desktop computer rather than a mobile device, such as a phone or tablet. This is another important way in which the practise UCAT test replicates the actual test conditions.

It is also important to note that UCAT practise papers are designed to give you an overall score at the end; providing students an indication on their performance and areas in which they can improve on. This allows you, once you have completed a UCAT practise session, to return to any responses which were incorrect, and by clicking on ‘Explain Answer’ get an explanation for the correct answer. This will not only expands your understanding of relevant knowledge areas, but can also enhance your confidence that your approach and preparation are effective and on target.

ACE HSC and Medify

At ACE HSC, we support you throughout your UCAT journey in a variety of ways. We have devised specialist programs focused around the UCAT practise test that enable you to approach the real thing with greater confidence and assurance.

One of the most important ways in which we do this is through our partnership with Medify, a leading provider of online UCAT practise questions, Your ACE HSC enrolment comes with a Full Season Pass to Medify, giving you access to a great range of UCAT practise tests as well as regular opportunities to practise under formal test conditions.

We also provide you with detailed feedback on your performance, both with regard to your own responses to individual questions, as well as your overall level of attainment relative to the ACE HSC cohort as a whole.

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