Properties of Matter
Atomic Structure
Periodic Trends
Our Chemistry tutors are here to help you be the best!
Select tab to pick year
Properties of Matter
Atomic Structure
Periodic Trends
Mole Concept
Gas Laws
Type of Chemical Reactions
Reactions of Metals
Redox Chemistry
Rates of Reaction
Energy Changes
Enthalpy and Hess’s Law
Gibbs Free Energy
One full-length yearly preliminary exam, marked by our teachers with a follow-up review session, included with Term 4
Equilibrium Reactions
Le Chatelier’s Principle
Equilibrium Constant
Properties of Acids and Bases
Bronsted-Lowry Theory
Naming Organic Chemicals
Alcohols and Organic Acids / Bases
Analysis of Inorganic Substances
Analysis of Organic Substances
Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
Chemical Synthesis and Design
A challenging review of all HSC modules, focusing on applying knowledge and refining exam technique
Five exams completed by students and marked by our teachers, with feedback and review sessions
*Further discounts apply for students taking multiple subjects
*Further discounts may apply for students taking multiple subjects
Our experienced tutors are top performers. They explain concepts clearly to ensure students understand every lesson
Detailed theory booklets and a comprehensive online portal provide students with everything they need to excel
Termly Exams and our Term 5 HSC Exam Program ensure students can tackle any exam question by focusing on the marking criteria
We are very excited to be opening classes in Chatswood from our October 2024 term, with some of our best tutors leading these new classes!
You will find our new classrooms at Level 11, Tower B, 799 Pacific Highway, Chatswood – a short 2 minute walk from Chatswood Train and Metro Station!
Classes have started, so please check out our January Timetable and book in now to join us!